Once again I am appalled at the Liberal and NDP mandate to take away freedom of speech for ALL people, even though it is clearly stated that all Canadians have this Right in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. After reading this article on Lifesite news I needed to voice my outrage at this inexplicable move by the Liberal and NDP parties. The reason I find this move so hard to understand is because they blocked a bill to PROTECT Canadians, and thereby reinforced the Homosexual initiative to take away any voice that may have a view which says that lifestyle is wrong (whether it be Christian OR non-Christian.)
To see for yourself please visit the official site for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms at Canadian Charter; However I will still quote the section giving ALL Canadians these rights:
"2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
d) freedom of association. "
Now you may ask yourself "why would they want to do this", then again you may not even care, or hopefully you just don't understand the fact that this will affect you no matter who you are in Canada. First the reason why they would do this is to appease the militant and raucous homosexual activist groups which lobby the government continuously with shouts of intolerance. Secondly the world we live in does not promote self control or conservatism and wholesome values, but promotes the idea of selfishness, self importance and self/instant gratification.
Now this may be an in depth views of the problem, but to break it down you just can't have one law mean two things based on a persons/groups viewpoint. Simply put I mean that if it is ok for Homosexuals to have parades and promote their opinion that their lifestyle is valid (as guaranteed in the Charter), then it is equally ok for those in opposition to publicaly voice their opinion to the contrary (as this is also guarateed in the Charter). No matter who you are, Canadian law GUARANTEES us the "a) freedom of conscience and religion; b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression", and this gives us the right to accept or decline homosexual marriage based on beliefs. This is ESPECIALLY true since homosexuality is NOT a HUMAN RIGHT, but is a human perversion of the natural act of procreation.
So then how do the Liberals and NDPs justify this move to abolish a bill that protects freedoms? Well I guess we will see how they try in the future, although as you might have guessed I see this as completely unjustifiable, and a mockery of Canadian politics which is being manipulated by an unscrupulous and militant special interest group.