Friday, June 24, 2005

Dec 1st, 2004

A query, a quandary, a thought... or two.

President Bush arrived in Ottawa to throngs of protestors, my first thought was WHAT ARE THEY PROTESTING? The war in Iraq? Canada didn't support their efforts in any way so let's face the fact... IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.

Instead of protesting President Bush, let's focus on our own Government and protest where we can make some change! Here are a couple of items that I think SHOULD be protested about but aren't.

- The definition of marriage being perverted by the homosexual agenda.
- The wholesale slaughter of innocent lives through abortion.
- Government action for support of farmers affected by the BSE scare.
- Lobbying for Accountable, Moral and Ethical Government.

are things that we should concern ourselves with, not such petty items like a disagreement with President Bush's policies for the US! I mean think about this, what are the priorities of the people who protest such inane items, and do we want these petty individuals to define us as Canadians?

Here are my views on the first two of these issues:
- Homosexuality is neither Moral or Natural, and you aren't "born that way".
- Abortion is the willful murder of a life, it is NOT just the removal of "TISSUE". This can be emotionally devastating, as well as physically traumatic to the mother in the future.*
- As for the last two items I feel that Government lacks accountability to the public it's supposed to be there to serve, making Canada more like a communist regime rather than a democracy.

*My disapproval of these immoral and unnatural acts should in no way be construed as disapproval for the people pursuing them, but of the act only.

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