Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Why to NOT support the latest "Coalition of the willing"

A very succinct, well thought out, and rational opposition to support the Lib, NDP and BLOC coalition.

"I think the mudslinging may be a result of the passion and anger generated by the Coalition option.
I for one can think of a number of reason's not to support it.
1) Canada has been, for the past number of years, a G20 leader in the Banking and Economic Policy Issues, which is evidenced by the "Canada last in - first out" results on the Global Downturn. Canada has been seen to be the example of prudent fiscal managment and policy and now, with the recent Coalition attempts, will not longer be the leading example. It will not make sense to the Markets, or our G7 & G20 friends, for us to change course when we are seen as the best at the helm. The number of stimulus packages introduced in the US have not resulted in the desired result and the prudent approach would see that Canada first knows what the new Administration in the USA is preparing to do, for any Governmental approaches to combat a world economic downturn, have to be implimented by the entire world economy or esle you are left with the "leaky bucket" syndrome. IE If there are holes in the bucket you can not pour the water(funds) in to fill the bucket.
2) The people of Canada have not had a chance to endorse the Coalition Spending & Economic Strategy. The details and costs of the Coalition Plan are unknown to the Canadian public and letting a plan go ahead without a clear endorsement from the people is not good for Canada and the democratic process. None of the Opposition Parties have campaigned on any of the Plan that they propose. Only the Convervatives are doing exactly what they said they would do.
3) Canada would be seen by the world as an embarassment and a backwards nation with a Separatist party being named within the governing body. This I fear will lead to further alienation of the West and the bolstering of the western separatist movement as well.
4) The non confidence motion is not substantially different then the Throne Speech that was passed in the house and therefore points to motivation of the Opposition Parties, which is to say, not in the best interests of Canada, but in the best interests of self.
5) All the CFA's and Economists agree that there is no amount of money that would fix and/or bail-out the auto industry and therefore the "Stimulus" package is not good for Canada.
6) The current Conservative Government is following standard operating procedures to first look internal for cost savings and then timed stimulus to gain the best effect. The GDP results released yesterday show that Canada's earlier(over the last 3 years) economic policies have helped Canada calm the storm that is facing the rest of the globe. This storm has affected the rest of the globe up to 14 months earlier, and much deeper than it is affecting our economy and thus it is prudent to not to change the captain at the helm right before his experience is needed most.
IF the coalition does proceed, and I hope and pray it does not, I suspect that the next election will result in the NDP getting wiped out and the bloc gaining even more seats from the Liberals in Quebec. The worst case scenario is that after the Liberals have set a precedent with joining with the Bloc, and again alienating the West, is that the Conservatives join with the Bloc to separate the Western Provinces and Quebec from Canada."

(Unknown author)


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