Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Iffy's" Statement released for the press March 26-2011

(My comments will be bold/Italic, and fittingly in blue below.   Bob.)

Statement by Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff: The rules of our democracy

This election is not just an exercise in democracy, it’s about democracy.  So as we begin the campaign, let’s be clear about the rules. (Just announcing "let me make myself perfectly clear" doesn't actually do anything  if you are not going to explain yourself properly, which even the biased MSM has picked up on.)
Whoever leads the party that wins the most seats on election day should be called on to form the government.  (This seems to be in direct conflict of the signed agreement of the Coalition, where the NDP were offered cabinet positions, and the Bloc could pillage the Nation as they held unprecedented power in Government.)
If that is the Liberal Party, then I will be required to rapidly seek the confidence of the newly-elected Parliament.   If our government cannot win the support of the House, then Mr. Harper will be called on to form a government and face the same challenge.  That is our Constitution.  It is the law of the land. (Pounding in the legitimacy of the coalition attempt previously, and at the same time leaving the door open by saying "Well we said they could do it, so why can't we?)
If, as Leader of the Liberal Party, I am given the privilege of forming the government, these are the rules that will guide me:
  • We will face Parliament with exactly the same team, platform and agenda that we bring to Canadians during this election.  What Canadians see in this campaign is what Canadians will get if we are asked to form government.
  • We will work with ALL parties to make Parliament work, and deliver sound policies – even the Conservative Party in opposition. (Was I the only one who saw good bills go down in flames, simply because the Liberals preferred an election over working with other parties?)
  • We will not enter a coalition with other federalist parties.   In our system, coalitions are a legitimate constitutional option.  However, I believe that issue-by-issue collaboration with other parties is the best way for minority Parliaments to function. (where was this belief when the coalition tried to take over Parliament?)
  • We categorically rule out a coalition or formal arrangement with the Bloc Quebecois. (We? Who exactly? It can be easily said that Iggy unilaterally decided this, and the rest of the party is not bound by it. Names, please, who all agreed to this?  I would like it in writing too. )
  • If I am facing a minority Parliament, I will work like Liberal Prime Ministers Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau and Paul Martin did:  to provide progressive government to our country, by building support issue-by-issue, and by tapping into the goodwill, generosity and common sense of Canadians across the political spectrum.  These are the governments that gave Canada the Canadian Flag, Medicare, the Canada Pension Plan, the Kelowna Accord and a National Daycare Plan.  With the right kind of leadership another minority Parliament could strive for such heights.  (This inflated talk is exactly contrary to what we've seen of the Liberals, and is pure bull manure.)
That is my position.  Now I have a few questions for Mr. Harper:
  • Does he agree with how I have described the workings of our democratic system? (Iggy's thinking "So in case I choose to form a coalition anyway he can't argue it's illegitimate or not right somehow.")
  • Why does he insist on fabricating lies about an impending coalition, something he knows is false? (How do you call someone a liar that is pointing out historical fact, and making valid  projections of possible impending events?)
  • Will he tell Canadians the truth about his secret hotel room meetings in 2004 with the Bloc Quebecois which resulted in a signed letter of agreement to the Governor General, proposing a Conservative-NDP-Bloc coalition?  (Well the letter is out there for everyone to see, as is the Liberal coalition signed document. It was clear to me which of the 2 was more damning.)
  • Will he finally acknowledge the unprecedented finding of contempt against his government yesterday in the House of Commons? (I actually find this statement particularly egregious, because the charge of contempt was laid at the feet of the opposition parties, which all chomp at the bit for anything to use against their opponent.)

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