I should start by asking a simple question; When does an organized body of world nations become obsolete? One could preface the story of the UN with that of The League of Nations, which upon completion of specific goals founding main members left it for it to pass away naturally. Now did the politicians of the time foresee that prolonging the League of Nations was in fact a possible risk to individual Nation's democracy and identity?
What should our considerations be for leaving the UN, and I ask this because the UN was instituted for a purpose. So have they achieved the goals they intended? Are they still defending that which was in need of defending as originally intended? Have UN sanctions prevented the threat of nuclear proliferation in
either Iran or North Korea? If you look at the fact that the UN was
implemented to prevent known threats from garnering and using especially
devastating weapons, have they been successful? And then of course there is Syria, where apparently the UN actually has boots on the ground, but what are they doing?
Or have they in fact taken on a life of their own, and along with no longer being able to fulfill the role as a unifying force, are they looking to take on roles of taxation and control that falls well outside their purview?
I think in fact the latter has started to show itself to be true, and the UN is finding it harder and harder to hide it's evolving agenda of it becoming the world's governing body.
I look at the UN "Special Rapporteur" on the "right to food", and how they are sending these overpaid bureaucrats to first world Countries like Canada, instead of, oh let's say almost anywhere in Africa! It seems a little pretentious to send someone to a Country like Canada, over somewhere that has more than 5% malnutrition. (Not to minimize 5%, but if this chart from World Hunger is correct, why are they wasting time in places like Canada?) I leave you to make your own conclusions about why the UN wasted time and money sending him here, but I know it wasn't because Canada suddenly had a food crisis.
This one speaks for itself; "In Search of New Development Finance." A report on imposing Global taxes. Gotta keep the bucks flowing to, and thru, the UN so they appear to have a purpose.
This one shows how the UN has, well, completely lost it's collective mind when they elect Iran to head the UN Arms Treaty. For those not in the know, the UN, Canada, and the US (the P5+1, UNSC permanent members plus Germany) have sanctions against Iran for not cooperating with the Security Council. There seems to be a downward spiraling of logic and rationality at the UN.
Let's move on to privacy, and oh... Internet.Were you aware that the UN wants to control it?
How about initiatives that would Legitimize Terror? Or standing with terrorists like Hamas? (Who are considered a terrorist organization, and one of the Palestinian Governing body.)
I move on to Human Rights. In the Middle East there is only one state that has similar Human rights to those we have in the West, and that is Israel. Yet recently they have decided to let those who self identify as wanting to see the destruction of an entire people have an increased role at the UN. And then they have Countries that currently allow slavery to hold positions on the Human Rights council. Absurd? Most definitely. Then you have countries that try to actively block people who speak out against them, at the UN which is there FOR complaints of hostility and oppression. Or even further, they condemn the most tolerant country in the Middle East of "intolerable living conditions of Palestinian women", while horrifying atrocities are actually performed on women in Iran and Syria.
For me the UN has passed it's expiration date, and needs to be disposed of, just like the League of Nations.
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