Friday, September 15, 2006

Liberal monsters in the closet.

The issue of gun control has been in the media once again because of the killing in Québec. I saw an interview where the victim’s father was questioning the Conservatives agenda to dismantle the taxpayer funded boondoggle called the gun registry, asking "why make it easier"? Easier to what though? How would the dismantling of an unnecessary tax burden make it easier? This was not a case of someone taking a hunting rifle out on a killing spree, but a semiautomatic already restricted weapon. Even though my heart goes out to the victim's family, let's take a look at the truth of the situation:

The plain honest truth of the situation is that no registry would have stopped this killing! The weapon used in this offense was a restricted weapon which was covered by its own registry even before the long gun registry initiated by liberals. Gill's weapon of choice was a Beretta CX4, a 9 mm semiautomatic assault weapon, something which, as I've already pointed out, was restricted prior to the gun registry and required a background check to purchase and a permit to carry out of the owner’s house.

The problem is not "guns": After all the truth is, "guns don't kill people, people kill people". We need to look at the motivation behind the shooting in Québec, and not just react with a knee jerk of "we need more gun control legislation". What we truly need is for parents to be proactive in the raising of children and teaching them appropriate morals and family values, thereby strengthening society’s fabric of community and care for each other instead of the individual.

There is also a dispute on whether violent games should be banned or not, and the problem I have with this was addressed by Prime Minister Steven Harper. If we want to live in a communist regime, then we can start banning books, video games, television programs, media information etc… And then who is it that will be choosing the morals and values that the rest of society has to live by? I'm hoping you see where this all leads. However if we choose to live in a free society, it takes every individual being accountable for his or her own actions! It is a matter of poor and/or weak parenting which is the root cause of a lot of problems society has.

The truth is: Society has created monsters by the liberal values it chooses, and now we have to live with them.

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