Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Political rhetoric vs political honesty.

I just finished watching an interview by Suhana Meharchand with the Conservative candidate Lisa Raitt (in Halton) and Liberal candidate Kirsty Duncan (riding unknown), where Suhana asked specifically "where there was a weakness" in each candidates own parties. I was completely dismayed at Kirsty's attack on the Conservatives as her answer to the weakness in her own party, and this from someone who said she taught "ethics". Although Lisa took time toexpress how she has been accepted into the Conservatives caucus, she did actually answer the question, where Kirsty answered by trying to take a shot at Conservatives rather than answer the question about the weakness in her party.

(Maybe that's because the weakness itself is the Leader of the party, or the policy of taking in taxes just to "give" them back(???), or maybe it's the weak kneed approach to crime and criminals, or maybe it's the amount of money they are going to spend on new social programs for artists and students which will be taken from the new taxes he's going to impose.)

I just don't get it though, Kirsty honestly looked like she had her head firmly planted where the sun doesn't shine, when it came to actively criticizing her own parties failings, and in my opinion this is the most prevelent attitude with Liberals and their supporters. I have no misgivings that my party of choice has everything all together; on the contrary I am more than willing to look at the problems and point them out, and if you can't (or won't) do that the simple fact is that you can't get any better.

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for! (And if at all possible, try to THINK past the rhetoric).

Danny "Whiny" Williams.

Here's someone that truly embodies political behaviour at it's most vile, This Premiere didn't get everything he wanted from the Federal Government and is now campaigning against his own Conservative party (although federally and not yet provincially).

I think the thing that bothers me most about "Whiny" Williams is that he has the audacity to TELL people how they should vote because that's what HE wants!!!! I have no problem with people expressing their opinions on who and why they would vote one way or another, and I respect their right to have, express and act accordingly. I do have a problem however when someone tells others they should vote one way or another (and this is especially inappropriate when it comes from someone placed in a position to represent people that may not agree with his position).

I think this campaign has the potential to backfire on him, but it's not only that, it could severely affect the people he is supposed to be representing in Newfoundland and Labrador! Does this guy really think he's going to get anything better from another party climbing to power? Is he being paid by another party for this anti Conservative campaign? Or is it something as simple as "I didn't get what I want, so I'm gonna stamp my feet and yell and scream till I get it"? (And I am presuming the latter, which is what prompted my nickname for him, but who really knows.)

Honestly if he were my Premiere, he would know exactly where I stand and so would everyone I was able to speak to.

This guy makes Newfoundlanders look like selfish little children, and I feel sorry for the people that he is supposed to be representing.

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for! (And if at all possible, try to THINK past the rhetoric).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Elizabeth May, and what she thinks of Canadians. Hey May, aren't you Canadian?

Wow, I don't get around the "blogosphere" much but after Mike Duffy mentioned this on Friday I had to check it out and hear for myself. I don't often visit partisan sites like "Buckdog" because I find them much like some religious extremists out there, but with the shear amount of information available , and the mainstream media doing their level best to lead Canadians by manipulating stories and headlines, I may have to check out more sites just to find important items like this (even though most of it is the same old rhetoric).

Listen to Ms May's view of Canadians for yourself.

Thanks to Buckdog for the heads up.

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for! (And if at all possible, try to THINK past the rhetoric).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Leader's debate.

With Elizabeth May now being allowed into the Leader's debate, I have to wonder what criteria is standard for allocation of a position in it?

Not that I have any major problem with her being there, but I'm wondering now if the qualifications to participate are low enough to allow other national parties like the Marijuanna party (which I should point out is a single issue party as well) leader a spot at the debate? I mean if we set the standards to where you don't have to have a sitting MP to be allowed in to the debate, nor do you require a platform that encompasses all aspects of Canadian society, should we not then invite all of the national parties to have their leader at the debate to represent them?

However critically I must say that after May did everything just short of actually saying she would be voting Liberal, this appears to me to be nothing more than a ploy to have a dual Liberal voice on the panel to combat a weak Liberal leader with a bad political policy (Green shift plan).

On a final note I have to correct The Green party leader when she said that it was the "outcry" of the people which changed whether she was allowed in the debate or not, it was her own outcry of "discrimination" because she's a woman that changed the outcome. I guess she is a true politician, she'll say or do anything to get what she wants. (Sounds very much like very young children too doesn't it.)

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for!

The Liberal "Green Shift" plan revealed!

It's pretty much just as the name implies;

They are going to LIBERALLY try and SHIFT the GREEN from your wallet into theirs!

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain / Palin vs Obama / ?

Where do I get my McCain / Palin lawn sign? I love the fact that there is not only a woman running for VP but obviously a woman of character and morals, something which is sadly missing from a majority of politicians today.

I just wish that more people valued character and morals over smooth talk and personal gain, and this includes not only politicians, but every single person on this planet.

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for!

For Green Party supporters.

For those of you out there that questioned PM Harper when he said that Elizabeth May (loosely quoted, not verbatim but the meaning is unchanged) shouldn't be in the debate because she would eventually show her support for the Liberals by endorsing them.

Check it out for yourself.

The record clearly states that May is nothing more than a Liberal in disguise, so voting Green means voting Liberal.

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for!