Thursday, December 07, 2006

The future holds 20/20 vision of the past.

I heard it said that History will have 20/20 vision on actions of the past, and this is obviously true. But what will they be saying about the actions we take now? Will they look back and say “Now that person stood for morality and did what was right even in the face of public pressures!”? Or maybe they would even say “Wow that was some pretty bad legislation, just look at the problems it caused for so many of us as we grew up!”?

Now obviously I’m talking about the whole gay marriage agenda here; because I see a future where our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of weak and immoral men (and women), and their self serving legislation. Men and women, who would rather be seen more tolerant than moral, people catering to public whim instead of reasonable values. The unfortunate rub to the situation is that the general populous is exactly the same way, and that is why these tolerant and immoral people retain a place in government.

So the real question is this; are we considering the future ramifications of the legislation we put into law, and are we looking at what future generations will think of this “liberal ideology”? Remember, these future generations will have to live (and when they look back will have lived with) the consequences of the actions we perform today. I foresee these future generations looking back and seeing a society more interested in themselves, than in the children they were responsible for.

What will your legacy be, tolerance or morality?

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