Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I'm confused.

I just Heard Dion speak about cutting taxes on profits to companies, and "Jack O Layton" has in his ads that he will "Reward companies to keep jobs here". Isn't that the same as "putting money on the board room table"?

What got me was the hypocrisy of Layton when he said that very statement in one of his attack ads, and I'm asking myself how stupid does Layton think Canadians are? (Check it out ) At least we know that Elizabeth May thinks Canadians are stupid, but Layton is saying the same thing when he thinks we can't see through ridiculous ads. Hey Jack O Layton, stop trying to "Trick or treat" people!

Another note on May, ask yourself why the Liberals have "chosen" not to run a candidate in her riding to oppose her? Hmmm Do we see a little under the table collusion going on here? Looks pretty obvious to me.

As for Dion, is this guy for real? Watching him talk to his supporters is a joke, all they can do is attack The Conservatives because their platform and their leader are both as "weak as water". He keeps talking about how wrong everything Harper does is, but gives minimal to no information on what he'll do. This after He specifically said he was "going to take the high road" in this campaign... Guess that wasn't working out so well for him so he dropped it like he'll drop his campaign promises.

Make your vote count by KNOWING who, and what you are voting for! (And if at all possible, try to THINK past the rhetoric).

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