Saturday, April 23, 2011

Skimming the NDP platform.

You know I've never actually read an NDP platform before, because I understand their ideologies by watching what they fight for in the House, and the bills they put forward and support.  But with Jack Layton surging into a position that the party has never been in before (possibly the major opposition), I felt it was important to get to know what they want to say about themselves through the party planks.

I've made it to section 4, and that where I am starting to glaze over.  There are 2 reasons for this;
1. by this time it is clear why the NDP have been limited to the position of a "prop up" party, because their platform is like reading a grocery list full of treats a child has made, while the parent is struggling to balance the chequebook. It is filled with promises and goals that are simply and clearly unattainable without severe debt increases, as well as tax increases (because neither alone can sustain the planks.)
2. section 4 is their "environmental" section, and it irritates and aggrevates me that they are still considering bunk climate change sciences as a basis for their ideology.

I'm not saying the NDP don't have some admirable ideas, and some that I would like to see worked in.  But even they recognize the need for the caveat "if finances permit" in one of there items, which makes me wonder how many more will come off the table when they realize Canada can't afford everything they are promising?

Up till now we haven't had to take Jack seriously because his party was held in check by the adults at the table, but due to the devestating effect Count Iggy has had on the Liberal party, it's time to start taking the NDP seriously and evaluating their platforms and ideologies with the same criteria we would use on a party that has Governed.  In my estimation the NDP are offering promises of increase to everything and everybody, and at best this can be seen as disengenuous, at worst it could be financially catastrophic for Canada.


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