Monday, April 16, 2012

Redefinition of Rights.

I'm a law and order guy, I live trying to follow all the rules of society. I take issue however at some of the laws/law enforcement agencies that have been infringing on one of our inalienable Human Rights. By this I am referring to the specific right of self preservation, or self defense. Now I see this as an obviously inalienable right, but apparently the courts and justice system has begun to decide that if you fight back you will be charged with a crime. What the hell kind of nonsense crap is that?

One thing we are born with is the will to fight to survive; no matter what outlook you take on Human development, the one thing that stands true is that we all fight to survive (whether physically or emotionally). It's in our DNA, the will to survive has pushed people to do incredible things just to remain so. Take the young hiker/rock climber Aron Ralston, who cut off his own arm to survive after being trapped in a canyon. These are the instincts we are born with, FIGHT TO SURVIVE. This works the same in the case of self defense, you do what is necessary to make the situation safe for you and yours.

Take for example the late night firebombing of Ian Thomson's home. After the attack began Ian, who was fortunate enough to have a firearm, took his weapon out and scared the attackers off by discharging it without harming the people that were trying to burn down his home with his wife and himself STILL INSIDE! Yet the police charged HIM with “careless use of a firearm”. He has now been tied up in court for 6 years for appropriately using HIS INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHT to defend himself! I credit Mr. Thomson for his self control, because I feel he was justified in aiming directly at his ATTACKERS.

Let's talk about a restaurant owner more recently, who was charged after defending himself with a broomstick and some SPICES! After having multiple items stolen, in multiple instances, Mr Polapady fought back when he caught a thief in the act. However the police decided to victimize him further by charging him with assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon, and the coup de grace “Administering a Noxious substance” (which can have a jail term of 14 years). Let's bear in mind that his wife and kids were just upstairs, and his thoughts were of protecting his family and property.

So here's the question; When you are being attacked by another person, how is it “against the law” to fight back?

This in itself pits those that are law abiding AGAINST the LAW, by criminalizing THE VICTIM! How does this make any sense? How has this been allowed to happen? In a society that is all about making new rights for everything, how the hell are they allowing the degradation of a most basic and fundamentally inalienable right?

It makes no sense that a society based on the rule of law would subject victims to even more abuse by laying charges, on top of suffering from criminal activities. The very thought of it suggests our law enforcement are no better than the thugs they are supposed to be there to protect us from.

I don't put that last statement out there lightly either, because I have an enormous amount of respect for the men and women of law enforcement that put themselves on the front line for the safety of others. However I think they have also forgotten that people can, will, and should protect themselves if it is required, because waiting for the police is not always an option.

A few links for interests sake;
The Constitution act 1867:
The Constitution act:
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
Canadian Constitution Foundation:

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