Monday, June 04, 2012

How safe are you?

This may come across as more personal than political, but remember we live in a society that believes it is "mostly safe" with help from civil &/or Federal law enforcement agencies. This is a dire misconception.

Last night my son and his girlfriend were mugged by a man with a knife as they were out together on a walk.  Thankfully my son took the initiative  and talked his way out out any harm, and in total they only lost the $10 cash they had on them.  It could have been much, MUCH worse, and I am so grateful that he had the wits to handle the situation to what I consider the best possible outcome.

But here's the thing; Where were the police? Could he have called them and not have had this happen?

Look around you for a minute. When you walk down the street, how many people are walking around with you that may be the next "Vince Li"?  Where were the police when Li beheaded his victim?  How about "Luka Magnotta"?  Sure these are extreme cases, but it goes to show that there is a need as an individual to be responsible for your own safety and well being that does not rely on Law enforcement agencies.

Don't get me wrong here, our men and women in uniform deserve both our respect and our support, but I also believe that they deserve a fair assessment of their abilities (because they can't be blamed for things that are beyond their control, like a mugging.) This is because the Police Services (as I have said before) are "reactive", and generally are only called after a situation has already occurred.

This is where I advocate personal defense; not just physical self defense (Although this cannot be left out should the need arise), but the knowledge and ability (assessment) to handle a situation completely to bring out the best outcome.  Because we live in a society where there are criminal elements that prey on those of us that are either unsuspecting or perceived as vulnerable.  I believe your personal safety, is your personal right and responsibility.

I'm proud of my son, he took appropriate measures to not escalate the situation, and took initiative to lead the mugger with a polite manner to accept what little cash they had between them.  They walked out of it with a little less cash, but unhurt.  This isn't always possible though, and I think it important that people know how to defend themselves to whatever point it is necessary to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Update 11:23a.m. June 24;
The RCMP now have an official account on twitter now, and even they acknowledge with a tweet that individuals need to be proactive in their own safety.

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