Three stories that caught my attention today;
1. The Votemob "special ballot" in Guelph On. Now this probably would have slipped by me un-noticed, were it not for Iggy's rant on how the PM is trying to "Disenfranchise Guelpg students". The Story is pretty simple, a "votemob" was set up, there was the pretense of a "Special Ballot", Elections Canada guidelines where neglected, and the Conservatives called Elections Canada (and the students) to task for it. (Article here.) This enraged the Liberal leader. Why you ask? Maybe because he now can't count on duplicate votes by hyper partisan University students maybe? I don't know, but it seems pretty fishy when the rules aren't followed to the letter, and then you get mad when you lose any benefit you may have gained from it. Just sayin'.
The way the ball bounces take on "special ballots"
The letter from the CPC lawyer to Elections Canada
Small dead animals has some interesting info of previously squashe "improper special ballots"
Waking up on planet X gives us the Guelph exam dates
2. And attack at a Liberal activist rally on a girl wearing blue. This again would have probably passed my radar as just another example of "stupid human" behaviour, until some moron on twitter says it was "probably staged". The problem here is twofold; 1. assault should be unacceptable, period. 2. spinning this sort of thing to try and deflect blame or make it less is simply wrong. I accept that these things happens, but I neither condone, agree, or even try to explain away this type of behaviour.
3. Voting Liberal. The more I watch how things are playing out, the more I see that if at all possible the Liberals will try to usurp power, leaving the whole Country at the mercy of both the NDP and the Bloc, which to me is completely unacceptable.
National Post article
Toronto Sun - Charles Adler article
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