Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Warning signs that you are talking to a Liberal.

1. They believe that the Conservative Government was in contempt of Parliament, and bring it up as a reason not to "trust" them. (Noticeably leaving out the "kangaroo court" factor surrounding the ruling.)

2. They believe that Stephen Harper's letter to the Governor General in 2004, and the agreement signed by the Liberals, NDP, and Bloc are the same thing. (Which means they have obviously failed to look at the information themselves.)

3. They spout Liberal talking points rather than actually discuss a topic, and they get especially angry and start throwing out names at you like "Conservitard", "retard", "idiot" when it eventually clicks that they've lost the argument.

4. They think that a majority Government includes an anti Canadian group like the Bloc, to make up 60% of the house.

5. The word "Regime" is used in their vocabulary to describe a democratically elected Government.

6. They are happy with the idea/promise of more social programs during a recession. (Even if they are recycled, and have been promised in 7 previously elections without ever having been fulfilled ie; National Daycare.)

7. Scrapping the F-35 mid contract seems in some way a good idea. (Failing to look at history, therefore repeating it. ie; EH101 Helicopter cancellation.)

8. Higher Corporate taxes won't affect jobs. (John McCallum tends to disagree though.)

9. You're a closet Greeny! (As noted on page 42 - Chapter 3 of the 2011 Liberal "Red Book" where it refers to the debunked science of "Climate Change" to impose regulations based on "science".

More to come..

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