I don't get them.
First off everyone understands "Mob mentality" has never been associated as a "force for good", on the contrary it has been the cause of heinous, unlawful acts, as well as defining typically anti social and unacceptable behaviour. Even within a "flashmob" you see that although non destructive, the mentality remains the same, where all individuals give over their free will and thoughts to comply with the group. And while flashmobs may be fun and entertaining, how could it be deemed an acceptable way to vote?
I also wonder why all the hype. Most voters feel satisfied by doing their civic duty election day and casting their ballot, so is this some type of attention getter that says "look at me I'm special cause I vote?" Ok great you voted, now did you do your research into who you voted for and decide who best represented your views and ideologies, or did you just cast a ballot like the rest of the lemmings in the mob?
Let's call these what they are, rallies, hell even protests, but lets drop the pretense of some sort of new democratic institution.
Universities aren't teaching our children how to think anymore, but obviously they are being well taught how to follow.
Votemobs promo; For those who need peer validation to do their civic duty, and now they are 100% responsibility free because the thinking is done for you! Join today for $0!!
All you have to give up is your morals and freedom of thought.
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