Thursday, April 07, 2011

Liberals in the media no different.

As I watch a lot of Liberals "jockey" for some sort of viable position to argue their political leaning, I've been noticing that there are 2 major groups that they tend to fall into (especially when confronted with adequate and intelligent conflicting information.)

1. The Liberal Liner.
These are the party supporters that support without thinking, and when confronted the simple quote back Liberal points handed down from through the "Red Door". They have a hard time dealing with actual debate about an issue, and shut down when their preconceptions are challenged by repeating Liberal "Matras".

2. The Liberal Elitist.
These are the individuals that think they are actually smarter than you because they are Liberal, and to question that makes you even more dumb.  These types often get outraged a the most insignificant of infractions, and blow it into something they really never were. 
(For example; Oda-gate, Bubble-gate, facebook-gate, contempt of Parliament-gate..)

The unifying characteristic of both of these groups, however different, is that often they both often end up name calling, throwing slurs, and trying to bully the opponent into believing that Liberals are somehow morally superior, and therefore should never be questioned.

My problem with that; I question even the party I vote for, so why on earth wouldn't I question one that makes no sense to me?  I guess if someone wanted to convert me to their party's leanings they will actually have to have sensible policy, because this way doesn't work and I thought we left these tactics back in grade school.

This was the "Journalists" article that inspired this post, which brought more substance and understanding of the attacks (that even I have been subject to). And here are the responses by those attacked are here, Ezra Levant, and Brian Lilley.


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