One thing that stood out to me in looking over the Liberal press release about their "Plan" to cut Conservative "Waste", was the acceptance of waste that the plan itself entails.
First off is the "waste" of a job creating, economy boosting Corporate tax rate. Now I am by absolutely no means an economist, and I don't even play one on TV, but it seems to me that the perfect way to encourage growth is to make it attractive to businesses to start up and stay running. But I can kind of see how the Liberals see this as "waste", because it means they miss out on being able to spend more.
And then there is the "waste" of equipping our service people with appropriate and reliable aircraft. I even had someone tweet to me that "Ignatieff is in favour of supporting the military from the ground up; ie - the military families. It's about time.", unbelievably I couldn't understand how the necessity to equip our service people with reliable aircraft was seen as not family oriented. Not to mention the actual waste Canadians would incur with YET ANOTHER Liberal contract cancellation. (I refer to the EH101 cancellation and the 500 Million plus in penalties because of them.) Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Next let's move on to wasting money on "prisons". Really? I want criminals BEHIND BARS, and I want HARSHER SENTENCES, but I'm only someone who lives in the real world rather than in the back of a limo so what do I know.
How about Election money wastes? Seeing as this election was brought on by the Opposition parties, it seems a little hypocritical to call others wasteful and yet cost the taxpayers 300 million plus on an election. And while we're at it let's trim the fat by eliminating vote subsidies, another waste of taxpayers money.
Then the Liberals have the gall to say "Restore Federal spending discipline", while at the same time offering a continuously recycled "National Daycare" program with no clear way to pat for it except to raise the Corporate tax. And that they will "Cut wasteful spending that has ballooned under the Harper government", while at the same time offering grandiose "family" spending initiatives (to what end one might even ask?)
I think it's time for new blood in the Liberal hierarchy, because the same old "tax and spend" mentality doesn't fly anymore.
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