Friday, April 15, 2011

In the interest of.....

Ok I usually hold my posts on one subject to, well one. But after reading drivel like this "In light of the focus on youth and student electoral participation at the 41 st general election, and on efforts to increase voter interest and turnout among this group" from Elections Canada, it gets my hackles up. (Full article from David Aikin.)

Ok first off; WHY AREN'T STUDENTS BEING TAUGHT the importance of voting in a democracy, rather than getting them "interested"?  This is a HUGE #hastagfail on the part of our educational system. Students need to be taught democracy, and their important role in it, and unfortunately in University you are getting partisan politics, rather than a solid base in democracy.

Secondly there should be ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for any able bodied, non military (serving abroad), Canadian not to attend a public polling station in the riding they reside on election day!  There are special ballots for the needs of people for them, but this is simply pandering to the lowest common denominator called laziness. If that's the case let's have a special ballot for everyone right in their own home, especially when the weather is crappy!!  What does it show you think of democracy when you can even put in the effort to get to the polling station on Election day, after all you only had 37 days to plan for it!!!

We had parents and Grand parents that went to war to fight for our democracy, I think those who are able can get off their sorry asses and drag them to the polls May 2nd to vote rather than having to have voting "catered" to them.


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