Monday, April 11, 2011

Is it only me?

I have to wonder how it was that the villainous Prime Minister Harper managed to impose his will on Election Canada forcing them to only have Advance polling on easter weekend!! HOW DASTARDLY!!  Or wait, maybe the dates are set by a predetermined strategy set up to allow proper timing within an election time frame?

So when I saw the inane ramblings of my local NDP MP candidate Brian Sklar in this tweet;

I decided to look up advanced polling at the "Elections Canada" website (Which is pretty easy Brian, you should try it before you say something ridiculous like this.)  And the site said this;

And I guess this is the type of thing that bothers me most about the NDP in general, because they are basically an inconsequential party, they can make ridiculous statements and grandiose promises without ever having to worry about the ramifications. And what's worse is the lemmings that chime in and blindly follow along with them.

Time to lose the Block and the NDP (without mentioning the also inconsequential Greens), and get back to the business of running our Country!


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